Homeschooling Humor
We all could use a little chuckle every once in a while--especially on those days when things seem a bit bleak and challenging. Enjoy some humor from the home front.
What's Popular
The Top 20 Reasons to Homeschool
A slightly 'tongue in cheek' view of why someone might choose to homeschool.
Homeschool Humor from the Knowledge House
A collection of jokes and humorous anecdotes including "You Might be Homeschooled If..." and Top 10 Things NOT to say when asked, "What?! No school today?"
50 Comebacks for Homeschooling Naysayers
This collection of funny quips will help you answer that age-old question, "What about socialization?" "How can you know what to teach?" "Is this legal?" and more.
Harvard Forcing Homeschoolers to "Fit In"
Parody article describing Harvard's effort to help homeschoolers experience college "socialization."
You Might Be Homeschooled If...
you check out more than 10 books each time you visit the library...or you have ever finished your schoolwork before breakfast...or you consider sled riding phys ed. More homeschool humor.
Homeschool Humor from the Olsen Family
Wonderful collection of humorous tidbits and articles. Tickle your funny bone here.
School Jokes
School Jokes has lots of jokes and humor all about school, school life, teachers, lessons and lots more—over 250 pages of them. Includes many subject related jokes.
Homeschooling SAQ (Seldom Asked Questions)
A humorous look at some of the perplexing questions a new homeschooling parent has.
Top 5 Reasons to Home School
A deejay relates his humorous reasons to homeschool.
I Will Survive - Homeschool Version
A comical encouraging video for all homeschool moms and families.
Top Ten Reasons to Home School
A homeschool mom shares some funny reasons to homeschool.
Mr. Pointy Nose
A humorous look at how a clever homeschooling family can outsmart even the nosiest inspectors.
We've Always Done It That Way
A look at how we can just stuck in a rut—literally—from Roman times to the present.
FTC Prosecutes Homeschoolers
Did you know that the Federal Trade Commission issued an administrative complaint against homeschooling parents charging that they were engaging in "unfair competition" against the nation's public school systems by maintaining, in effect, a group boycott? Well, April Fools!
You Might Be a Homeschooler If...
You might be a homeschooler if...your school bus is a nine-passenger van...or your biology class curriculum consists of watching your baby brother's home birth...or all the signatures on your graduation diploma end with the same last name. Josh Carden shares his insight into the homeschool lifestyle.
Homeschooling Humor
You Might Be Homeschooled If...
you check out more than 10 books each time you visit the library...or you have ever finished your schoolwork before breakfast...or you consider sled riding phys ed. More homeschool humor.
Ten Reasons Not to Homeschool
A satirical look at the differences between public and home education.
Harvard Forcing Homeschoolers to "Fit In"
Parody article describing Harvard's effort to help homeschoolers experience college "socialization."
I Will Survive - Homeschool Version
A comical encouraging video for all homeschool moms and families.
Top 5 Reasons to Home School
A deejay relates his humorous reasons to homeschool.
School Jokes
School Jokes has lots of jokes and humor all about school, school life, teachers, lessons and lots more—over 250 pages of them. Includes many subject related jokes.
The Top 20 Reasons to Homeschool
A slightly 'tongue in cheek' view of why someone might choose to homeschool.
We've Always Done It That Way
A look at how we can just stuck in a rut—literally—from Roman times to the present.
Mr. Pointy Nose
A humorous look at how a clever homeschooling family can outsmart even the nosiest inspectors.
Homeschool Humor from the Olsen Family
Wonderful collection of humorous tidbits and articles. Tickle your funny bone here.
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Five in a Row
Five in a Row provides a step-by-step, instructional guide using outstanding children's literature for children ages 4-8. Unit studies are built around each chosen book. There is a series for preschoolers called "Before Five in a Row," along with oth...
Pecci Reading Method: At Last! A Reading Method for Every Child
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Crash-Proof Your Kids: Make Your Teen a Safer, Smarter Driver
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The Mystery of History
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Bead Sequencing Set
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