Lesson Planning
Don't know what to teach today or how to get everything done? Explore these resources for planning your lessons and get ideas on how to help your homeschool day run smoothly.
Online Homeschool Lesson Plans
Tips for Homeschool Planning for Multiple Ages
For the most part, the more well ordered days are the more smoothly the day will go. Not only does it require planning on our part as homeschooling moms, it requires diligence and perseverance – daily.
Large Family Homeschool Lesson Planning
Lesson planning for a larger than average size family can be a bit tricky. This sample planning sheet offers an easy approach to planning out schooling for a large family.
How to Make Lesson Plans for Homeschool
It is good to wake up in the morning and know what you are going to do that day in school. That is what planning lessons is all about -- being prepared -- so that you can be as stress free as possible.
Planning for the Large Family Homeschool
There is nothing like the summer break to step back from the madness and take a good, long {and honest} look at your previous year of homeschooling. It can be difficult in a large family to accommodate everyone’s individual desires, but you can at least listen to them and try!
How to Schedule Your Day for Homeschooling
Now that you're homeschooling, how will you fit in the laundry, the grocery shopping, the cooking, the cleaning? Well, you probably can't do it all, but here are some guidelines for keeping your sanity at homeschool.
Create Your Own Homeschool Lesson Plans
HomeSchool Minder
HomeSchool Minder is an all-in-one homeschool organizer that manages: daily school activities, lesson plans, grades, attendance, and much more! Completely intuitive and very user-friendly, HomeSchool Minder will help homeschool teachers maintain accuracy and integrity of student data, automate daily tasks, standardize procedures, and save time. . . all for about the price of the average school textbook!
School Assignment
Fast and flexible method for creating and editing lesson plans. Two methods for lesson plan scheduling allows user to stay on schedule. Create printed student assignment sheets with completion check boxes. Download to try for free for 30 days.
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Five in a Row
Five in a Row provides a step-by-step, instructional guide using outstanding children's literature for children ages 4-8. Unit studies are built around each chosen book. There is a series for preschoolers called "Before Five in a Row," along with other volumes for older children.
Pecci Reading Method: At Last! A Reading Method for Every Child
At Last! A Reading Method for Every Child offers a balanced approach with intensive phonics and literature-based reading instruction. This is a simple method of teaching reading, with lots of supplemental materials. Get product information here.
Crash-Proof Your Kids: Make Your Teen a Safer, Smarter Driver
Every year, six million sons and daughters will become first-time drivers. Fifty-eight percent of them will be involved in a car accident within a year of getting their license, and a significant portion of these crashes will be fatal. But here's the good news: research has shown that car crashes can be reduced by up to 30 percent when you, the parent, are actively involved in your teen's instruction and set certain limits. In Crashproof Your Kids, certified driving instructor and dad Timothy ...
The Mystery of History
The Mystery of History series is another alternative to traditional textbooks. The five volume set covers history from creation to present day, with a biblical worldview. This series is intended for grades K-8. Note that at this time, this series is not completed.
Bead Sequencing Set
Stack the durable, brightly colored wooden beads on 5 hardwood dowels in sequence to match the design on one of the pattern cards. Builds complex reasoning skills as well as sorting and coordination. Includes over 45 brilliantly colored beads, 5 dowels, and 10 patterns that increase in difficulty.